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Форум » Видоизменение » Карты » Список RM команд (команды, которые используются картами)
Список RM команд
# 121:21 11/06/2014
Useigor (useigor)

 Вне сети
rmSetOcean(bool reveal)Sets whether or not to reveal oceans.
rmSetNuggetDifficulty(int minLevel, int maxLevel)Sets the min/max difficulty levels for placing nuggets.
rmAddAreaCliffRandomWaypoints(int areaID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation)Adds random waypoints to the specified cliff valley area.
rmAddAreaCliffWaypoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction)Adds the given waypoint to the specified cliff area (for valleys).
rmFindCloserArea(float xFraction, float zFraction, int area1, int area2)Returns which area is closer.
rmFindClosestPoint(float xFraction, float zFraction, float maxDistance)Finds closest point satisfying the preset constraints.
rmClearClosestPointConstraints()Clears constraints for closest point finder.
rmAddClosestPointConstraint( int constraintID )Adds constraint to closest point finder.
rmEnableLocalWater( bool enable )Enables / disables local water disturbances.
rmIsMapType( string type )Returns true if the map belongs to the given type.
rmSetMapType( string type )Indicates that this map is of a certain type (it can be multiple types simultaneously.
vector rmGetUnitPosition( int unitID )Returns the position of the unit.
int rmGetHomeCityLevel( int playerID )Returns the HC Level of the given player.
int rmGetHighHomeCityLevel( void )Returns the highest HC Level of the players in the game.
int rmGetAverageHomeCityLevel( void )Returns the average (rounded down) HC Level of the players in the game.
int rmGetLowHomeCityLevel( void )Returns the lowest HC Level of the players in the game.
bool rmSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPoint( int playerID, vector point )Sets the HCWSP for the given player.
bool rmSetHomeCityGatherPoint( int playerID, vector point )Sets the HCGP for the given player.
rmBuildTradeRoute(int tradeRouteID, string terrainTypeName)Builds the trade route with the given terrain type.
rmGetTradeRouteWayPoint(int tradeRouteID, float fraction)Retrieves a waypoint along the trade route based on the fraction.
rmCreateTradeRouteWaypointsInArea(int tradeRouteID, int areaID, float length)Creates a trade route in the specified area.
rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypointsVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v, int count, float maxVariation)Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route.
rmAddRandomTradeRouteWaypoints(int tradeRouteID, float endXFraction, float endZFraction, int count, float maxVariation)Adds random waypoints to the specified trade route.
rmAddTradeRouteWaypointVector(int tradeRouteID, vector v)Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route.
rmAddTradeRouteWaypoint(int tradeRouteID, float xFraction, float zFraction)Adds the given waypoint to the specified trade route.
rmCreateTradeRoute()Creates a trade route.
bool rmAddGroupingToClass(int GroupingID, int classID)Add given grouping to specified class.
rmSetGroupingMaxDistance(int defID, float dist)Set the maximum distance for the grouping (in meters).
rmSetGroupingMinDistance(int defID, float dist)Set the minimum distance for the grouping (in meters).
rmPlaceGroupingInArea(int groupingID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount)Place grouping for the player in the given area.
bool rmPlaceGroupingAtPoint(int groupingID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount)Place grouping at specified point.
bool rmPlaceGroupingAtLoc(int groupingID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount)Place grouping at specified location.
bool rmAddGroupingConstraint(int GroupingID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint to a grouping.
rmCreateGrouping(string name, string filename)Creates a grouping.
rmSetIgnoreForceToGaia(bool val)
rmDefineConstant(string name, int value)
rmGetUnitPlacedOfPlayer(int objectDefID, int playerID)
rmGetUnitPlaced(int objectDefID, int index)
rmGetNumberUnitsPlaced(int objectDefID)
rmAddUnitsToArmy(int playerID, int armyID, int objectDefID)
rmCreateArmy(int playerID, string armyName)
rmSetTriggerEffectParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add)
rmSetTriggerEffectParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add)
rmSetTriggerEffectParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add)
rmSetTriggerEffectParam(string paramName, string value, bool add)
rmAddTriggerEffect(string effectType)
rmSetTriggerConditionParamArmy(string paramName, int playerID, int armyID, bool add)
rmSetTriggerConditionParamFloat(string paramName, float value, bool add)
rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt(string paramName, int value, bool add)
rmSetTriggerConditionParam(string paramName, string value, bool add)
rmAddTriggerCondition(string conditionType)
rmSetTriggerLoop(bool loop) rmSetTriggerLoop
rmSetTriggerRunImmediately(bool runImmediately)
rmSetTriggerActive(bool active)
rmSetTriggerPriority(int priority)
rmTriggerID(string triggerName)
rmSwitchToTrigger(int triggerID)
rmCreateTrigger(string triggerName)
rmSetVPFile(string filename)
sqrt(float x)Returns the square root of x.
rmSetStatusText(status, progress)Sets the friendly cool loading screen text.
bool rmAddConnectionEndConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint for a connection end point.
bool rmAddConnectionStartConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint for a connection start point.
bool rmAddConnectionConstraint(int connectionID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint to a connection.
rmAddConnectionToClass(int connectionID, int classID)Adds the connection to specified class.
rmBuildConnection(int connectionID)Builds the given connection.
rmSetConnectionBaseTerrainCost(int connectionID, float cost)Sets the base terrain cost for a connection.
rmSetConnectionTerrainCost(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, float cost)Sets the terrain cost for a connection.
rmAddConnectionTerrainReplacement(int connectionID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName)Adds a terrain replacement rule to the connection.
rmSetConnectionSmoothDistance(int connectionID, float width)Sets connection edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction).
rmSetConnectionHeightBlend(int connectionID, float width)Sets how smoothly connection height blends into surroundings.
rmSetConnectionWarnFailure(int connectionID, bool warn)Sets whether a connection warns on failure.
rmSetConnectionCoherence(int connectionID, float width)Sets area coherence (0-1).
rmSetConnectionBaseHeight(int connectionID, float width)Sets the base height of a connection.
rmSetConnectionWidth(int connectionID, float width, float variance)Sets the width of a connection.
rmSetConnectionPositionVariance(int connectionID, float variance)Sets the position variance of a connection.
rmAddConnectionArea(int connectionID, int areaID)Adds an area to the connection.
rmSetConnectionType(int connectionID, int connectionType, bool connectAll, float connectPercentage)Sets the connection type.
rmCreateConnection(string name)Creates an connection.
rmPlaceObjectDefInRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount)Place object definition for the player in a random area in the given class.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtRandomAreaOfClass(int defID, int playerID, int classID, int placeCount)Place object definition for the player at the location of a random area in the given class.
rmPlaceObjectDefInArea(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount)Place object definition for the player in the given area.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(int defID, int playerID, int areaID, int placeCount)Place object definition for the player at the given area's location.
rmPlaceObjectDefPerPlayer(int defID, bool playerOwned, int placeCount)Place object definition per player.
rmSetObjectDefTradeRouteID(int defID, int tradeRouteID)Set the trade route for all objects in this object definition.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtPoint(int defID, int playerID, vector point, int placeCount)Place object definition at specific point for given player.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtLoc(int defID, int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction, int placeCount)Place object definition at specific location for given player.
rmAddObjectDefItemByTypeID(int defID, int unitTypeID, int count, float clusterDistance)Add item to object definition.
rmAddObjectDefItem(int defID, string unitName, int count, float clusterDistance)Add item to object definition.
rmSetObjectDefForceFullRotation(int defID, bool on)Forces things in this object def to get full arbitrary rotation.
rmSetObjectDefAllowOverlap(int defID, bool on)Lets objects overlap within this object def.
rmSetObjectDefHerdAngle(int defID, float angle)Set a herd angle(clockwise from +z) in the object def.
rmSetObjectDefCreateHerd(int defID, bool on)Creates a herd out of all units placed in this object def.
rmSetObjectDefGarrisonStartingUnits(int defID, bool on)Turn on the garrison starting units flag.
rmSetObjectDefGarrisonSecondaryUnits(int defID, bool on)Turn on the garrison secondary units flag.
rmSetObjectDefMaxDistance(int defID, float dist)Set the maximum distance for the object definition (in meters).
rmSetObjectDefMinDistance(int defID, float dist)Set the minimum distance for the object definition (in meters).
rmCreateStartingUnitsObjectDef(float clusterDistance)Creates special object definition for starting units with the given cluster distance.
rmCreateObjectDef(string name)Creates an object definition.
rmConstraintID(string name)Gets constraint ID for given constraint name.
rmClassID(string name)Gets class ID for given class name.
bool rmAddObjectDefToClass(int objectDefID, int classID)Add given object def to specified class.
bool rmAddAreaToClass(int areaID, int classID)Add given area to specified class.
int rmDefineClass(string className)Define a class with the given name.
bool rmAddObjectDefConstraint(int defID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint to given object def.
bool rmAddFairLocConstraint(int fairLocID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint to a fairLoc placement.
int rmCreateMaxHeightConstraint(string name, float height)Make an max height constraint (terrain must be less than given height).
bool rmCreateHCGPEnemyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance)Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's enemy's HCGPs.
bool rmCreateHCGPAllyConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance)Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's ally's HCGPs.
bool rmCreateHCGPSelfConstraint(string name, long playerID, float minDistance)Create home city gather point constraint to avoid given player's HCGP.
bool rmCreateHCGPConstraint(string name, float minDistance)Create home city gather point constraint to avoid all HCGPs.
bool rmAddAreaConstraint(int areaID, int constraintID)Add specified constraint to an area.
int rmCreateTradeRouteDistanceConstraint(string name, float minDistance)Make a constraint to avoid trade routes.
int rmCreateCornerConstraint(string name, int corner, bool outside)Make a constraint to pass if in or out of a corner.
int rmCreateTerrainMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance)Make a constraint to be close to terrain with certain a passability.
int rmCreateTerrainDistanceConstraint(string name, string type, bool passable, float distance)Make a constraint to avoid terrain with certain a passability.
int rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint(string name, int classID, float distance)Make a type distance constraint.
int rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint(string name, int classID, float distance)Make a class distance constraint.
int rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area cliff ramp edge max distance constraint.
int rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area cliff ramp edge distance constraint.
int rmCreateCliffRampConstraint(string name, int areaID)Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff ramp edge.
int rmCreateCliffEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area cliff edge max distance constraint.
int rmCreateCliffEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area cliff edge distance constraint.
int rmCreateCliffEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID)Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff edge.
int rmCreateEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area edge max distance constraint.
int rmCreateEdgeDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area edge distance constraint.
int rmCreateEdgeConstraint(string name, int areaID)Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's edge.
int rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area max distance constraint.
int rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint(string name, int areaID, float distance)Make an area distance constraint.
int rmCreateAreaConstraint(string name, int areaID)Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area.
int rmCreateAreaOverlapConstraint(string name, int areaID)Make an area overlap constraint.
int rmCreatePieConstraint(string name, float xFraction, float zFraction, float insideRadius, float outsideRadius, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float bufferFraction)Makes a 'pie' constraint.
int rmCreateBoxConstraint(string name, float startX, float startZ, float endX, float endZ, float bufferFraction)Make a box constraint.
rmSetTeamArea(int teamID, int areaID)Sets a team's 'official' area.
rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam(int teamID)Gets the number of players on the given team.
rmGetPlayerCulture(int playerID)Gets the culture the specified player is on.
rmGetPlayerCiv(int playerID)Gets the civilization the specified player is on.
rmGetPlayerTeam(int playerID)Gets the team the specified player is on.
rmGetPlayerName(int playerID)Gets a player's name.
rmMultiplyPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float factor)Multiplys a player's resource amount by the given factor.
rmAddPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount)Adds to a player's resource amount.
rmSetPlayerResource(int playerID, string resourceName, float amount)Sets a player's resource amount.
float rmFairLocZFraction(int playerID, int index)Gets a player's fairLoc z fraction.
float rmFairLocXFraction(int playerID, int index)Gets a player's fairLoc x fraction.
int rmGetNumberFairLocs(int playerID)Gets a player's number of fairLocs.
rmResetFairLocs()Resets fairLoc placment info.
bool rmPlaceFairLocs()Sets fairLoc placement locations.
int rmAddFairLoc(string unitName, bool forward, bool inside, float minPlayerDist, float maxPlayerDist, float locDist, float edgeDist, bool playerArea, bool teamArea)Adds some fairLoc placement info.
rmPlayerLocZFraction(int playerID)Gets a player's start location z fraction.
rmPlayerLocXFraction(int playerID)Gets a player's start location x fraction.
rmSetPlayerArea(int playerID, int areaID)Sets a player's 'official' area.
rmPlacePlayer(int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction)Sets one player location.
rmPlacePlayersRiver(int riverID, float distVariation, float spacingVariation, float edgeDistance)Makes a line of player locations along the specified river.
rmPlacePlayersLine(float x1, float z1, float x2, float z2, float distVariation, float spacingVariation)Makes a line of player locations.
rmPlacePlayersSquare(float dist, float distVariation, float spacingVariationfloat)Makes a square of player locations.
rmPlacePlayersCircular(float minFraction, float maxFraction, float angleVariation)Makes a circle of player locations.
rmSetPlacementSection(float fromPercent, float toPercent)Sets the section of the placement line to use.
rmSetPlacementTeam(int teamID)Sets the team to place.
rmSetTeamSpacingModifier(float modifier)Sets the team spacing modifier.
rmSetPlayerPlacementArea(float minX, float minZ, float maxX, float maxZ)Sets the area of the map to use for player placement.
rmSetPlayerLocation (int playerID, float xFraction, float zFraction)Manually sets a player's starting location.
rmAddMerc(string unitName, float count, float minCount, float maxCount, float countIncrement, bool multipleUses )Adds mercs of to the merc manager for this game.
rmGetCivID(string civName)Returns the civ ID.
rmSetSubCiv(int index, string civName, bool big)Sets a given sub civ in the world.
rmAllocateSubCivs(int number)Allocates the number of sub civs in the world.
rmSetGaiaCiv(int civ)Sets Gaia's civilization
rmDoLightingEffect("lightSetName", blendInTime, effectTime, blendOutTime) applies a lighting set effect.
rmDoLightingFade("lightSetName", fadeTime) applies a lighting set fade.
rmSetLightingSet(string name)Sets a lighting set
rmFillMapCorners()Fill map corners with blackmap.
rmTerrainInitialize( string baseTerrain, float height )Initializes the terrain to the base type and height.
rmSetWindMagnitude(float magnitude)sets the global wind magnitude (1.0f is default).
rmSetGlobalStormLength(length, timeBetweenStorms)sets storm length and time between storm in seconds.
rmSetGlobalRain(percent)sets the global rain percent.
rmSetGlobalSnow(percent)sets the global snow percent.
rmSetAreaReveal(int areaID, int tiles)Sets the area to be revealed (-1 means don't reveal, 0 means reveal, >0 means reveal plus that number of extra tiles.
rmSetAreaElevationNoiseBias(int areaID, float bias)Sets the area elevation variation noise bias (-1 means down only, 0 means +- equally, 1 means up only.)
rmSetAreaElevationEdgeFalloffDist(int areaID, float dist)Sets the area elevation noise to falloff as it gets closer to the area edge.
rmSetAreaElevationVariation(int areaID, float variation)Sets the area elevation variation height (amount to vary +- from area base height).
rmSetAreaElevationPersistence(int areaID, float persistence)Sets the area elevation variation noise persistence (best >0 and <1).
rmSetAreaElevationOctaves(int areaID, int octaves)Sets the area elevation variation noise octaves.
rmSetAreaElevationMinFrequency(int areaID, float freq)Sets the area elevation variation noise frequency (best >0 and <1).
rmSetAreaElevationType(int areaID, int type)Sets the area elevation variation type (cElevNormal, cElevFractalSum, cElevTurbulence).
rmAddAreaTerrainReplacement(int areaID, string terrainTypeName, string newTypeName)Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area.
rmAddAreaRemoveType(int areaID, string typeName)Add an unit type that the specified area removes.
rmAddAreaInfluenceSegment(int areaID, float xFraction1, float zFraction1, float xFraction2, float zFraction2)Adds an area influence segment.
rmAddAreaInfluencePoint(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction)Adds an area influence point.
rmAreaID(string name)Gets area ID for given area name.
rmSetAreaHeightBlend(int areaID, int heightBlend)Sets how smoothly area height blends into surroundings.
rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(int areaID, int smoothDistance)Sets area edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction).
rmSetAreaCoherence(int areaID, float coherence)Sets area coherence (0-1).
rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist)Sets maximum blob distance.
rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(int areaID, float dist)Sets minimum blob distance.
rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(int areaID, int blobs)Sets maximum number of area blobs.
rmSetAreaMinBlobs(int areaID, int blobs)Sets minimum number of area blobs.
rmSetAreaTerrainLayerVariance(int areaID, bool variance)Specifies if the area should vary the terrain layer edges.
rmAddAreaTerrainLayer(int areaID, string terrain, float minDist, float maxDist)Adds a terrain layer to an area.
rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint(int areaID, bool constrain)Determines whether an area obeys world circle constraint.
rmSetWorldCircleConstraint(bool constrain)sets whether RM activities should be constrained to the main world circle.
rmSetRiverFoundationParams(int tileBuffer, float heightOffset)sets up river foundation parameters the terrain buffer around the river, and the height of the banks above water level
rmRiverReveal(int riverID, int extraTiles)reveals a river plus the specified number of extra tiles around it.
rmRiverAvoid(riverID, riverID2, minDist)
rmRiverAddShallows(riverID, count, radius)
rmRiverAddShallow(riverID, distancePct)
rmRiverSetShallowRadius(riverID, radius)
rmRiverSetBankNoiseParams(riverID, frequency, octaves, persistence, sineLength, sineAmt, variation)
rmRiverAddWaypoint(riverID, xFraction, zFraction)Add waypoint to a river. Don't mix with rmRiverSetConnections or rmRiverConnectRiver
rmRiverConnectRiver(riverID, riverID, pct, end)
rmRiverSetConnections(riverID, start, end)
rmRiverCreate(int areaID, string waterType, int breaks, int offset, int minR, int maxR)make a river dude.
rmAddAreaCliffEdgeAvoidClass(int areaID, int avoidID, float minDist)Adds a class for an area's cliff edge to avoid.
rmSetAreaCliffHeight(int areaID, float val, float variance, float ramp)Set an area's cliff height.
rmSetAreaCliffEdge(int areaID, int count, float size, float variance, float spacing, int mapEdge)Set cliff edge parameters for an area.
rmSetAreaCliffPainting(int areaID, bool paintGround, bool paintOutsideEdge, bool paintSide, float minSideHeight, bool paintInsideEdge)Set cliff painting options for an area.
rmSetAreaCliffType(int areaID, string cliffName)Sets the cliff type for an area.
vector rmGetAreaClosestPoint( int areaID, vector point, float pullback, int constraintID )Returns the point in areaID that's closest to the given point, optionally requiring that it pass the given constraint.
rmSetAreaWaterType(int areaID, string waterName)Sets the water type for an area.
rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush(int areaID, float density)Sets the forest density for an area.
rmSetAreaForestClumpiness(int areaID, float density)Sets the forest density for an area.
rmSetAreaForestDensity(int areaID, float density)Sets the forest density for an area.
rmSetAreaForestType(int areaID, string forestName)Sets the forest type for an area.
rmSetAreaWarnFailure(int areaID, bool warn)Sets whether the area build process will warn if it fails.
rmSetAreaBaseHeight(int areaID, float height)Sets the base height for an area.
rmPaintAreaTerrainByAngle(long areaID, string terrain, float minAngle, float maxAngle, float outerRange)Paints the area's tiles in the specified angle range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired).
rmPaintAreaTerrainByHeight(long areaID, string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange)Paints the area's tiles in the specified height range with specified terrain (with outerRange buffer if feathering is desired).
rmPaintAreaTerrain(int areaID)Paints the terrain for a specified area.
rmSetAreaMix(int areaID, string mixName)Sets the mix for an area. Overrides terrain type if it is also set.
rmSetAreaTerrainType(int areaID, string terrainTypeName)Sets the terrain type for an area.
rmBuildAllAreas()Simulatenously builds all unbuilt areas.
rmBuildArea(int areaID)Builds the specified area.
rmSetAreaLocTeam(int areaID, int teamID)Set the area location to team's location.
rmSetAreaLocPlayer(int areaID, int playerID)Set the area location to player's location.
rmSetAreaLocation(int areaID, float xFraction, float zFraction)Set the area location.
rmSetAreaEdgeFilling(int areaID, int borderSize)Enable edge filling and set a border search size (for Carolina and similar maps with a big continent).
rmSetAreaSize(float minFraction, float maxFraction)Set the area size to a min/max fraction of the map.
rmCreateArea(string name, int parentAreaID)Creates an area.
rmZFractionToMeters(float meters)Converts meters a fraction of the map in the z direction to meters.
rmXFractionToMeters(float meters)Converts a fraction of the map in the x direction to meters.
rmZMetersToFraction(float meters)Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the z direction.
rmXMetersToFraction(float meters)Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the x direction.
rmTilesToMeters(int tiles)Converts a number of tiles to a distance in meters.
rmMetersToTiles(float meters)Converts a distance in meters to a number of tiles.
rmDegreesToRadians(float degrees)Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
rmZTilesToFraction(int tiles)Converts tile count in the z direction to fraction of map.
rmZFractionToTiles(float fraction)Converts an fraction of the map in the z direction to tile count.
rmXTilesToFraction(int tiles)Converts tile count in the x direction to fraction of map.
rmXFractionToTiles(float fraction)Converts an fraction of the map in the x direction to tile count.
rmAreaTilesToFraction(int tiles)Converts area tile count to fraction of map.
rmAreaFractionToTiles(float fraction)Converts an area from fraction of the map to tile count.
rmSetMapClusteringNoiseParams(float minFrequency, int octaves, float persistence)sets up cluster system; standard inputs to noise generator used to determine cluster placement.
rmSetMapClusteringObjectParams(int minObjectCount, int maxObjectCount, float maxPosOffset)sets up cluster system; min/max objects per tile (default: 0-3), and max random offset when placing (default: 0.5 tiles).
rmSetMapClusteringPlacementParams(float paintThreshold, float placeMinVal, float placeMaxVal, int type)sets up cluster system; valid ranges are from -1.0 to 1.0 and are compared to the internal noise field for deciding where to paint terrain and place clusters. Type is cClusterLand, or cClusterWater, or cClusterShallowWater, or cClusterEverywhere.
rmPlaceMapClusters(string terrain, string protounit)place object clusters (of the specified protounit) around the map, and also optionally paint with the specified terrain.
rmSetMapElevationHeightBlend(int blend)Sets how much to smooth the overall terrain after initializing with noise.
rmAddMapTerrainByAngleInfo(string terrain, float minSlope, float maxSlope, float outerRange)Adds a terrain to paint on tiles that are sloped between the specified angles (0 degrees is flat terrain, 90 degrees is sheer terrain), modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange.
rmAddMapTerrainByHeightInfo(string terrain, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float outerRange)Adds a terrain to paint between the specified heights, modified by a random number between 0.0 and outerRange. rmAddMapTerrainByHeightInfo
rmSetBaseTerrainMix(string mixName)Initializes the base terrain with the requested mix. Call before rmTerrainInitialize.
rmSetMapElevationParameters(int type, float freq, int octaves, float persistence, float variation)Sets up terrain for initializing with a noise layer.
rmSetSeaType(string name)Sets the sea type for the map. This is used if terrain is initialized to water. rmSetSeaType
rmGetSeaLevel()Gets the sea level for the map.
rmSetSeaLevel()Sets the sea level for the map.
int rmGetMapZSize( void )Returns the Z size of the map.
int rmGetMapXSize( void )Returns the X size of the map.
rmSetMapSize( int x, int z )Sets the size of the map.
rmGetIsKOTH()Returns true if this map is set to be a King of the Hill game.
rmGetIsRelicCapture()Returns true if this map is set to be a relic game..
rmGetIsFFA()Returns true if this map is set to be a FFA game which means each player on their own team.
rmGetNomadStart()Returns true if this map is to place a covered wagon instead of a town center.
rmRandInt(int min, int max)Returns a random integer between min and max.
rmRandFloat(float min, float max)Returns a random float between min and max.
rmEchoInfo( string echoString, int level )Random map echo.
rmEchoError( string echoString, int level )Random map echo.
rmEchoWarning( string echoString, int level )Random map echo.
# 213:51 09/04/2019
tupi857 (jango)

 Вне сети
Что-то много команд. Не так?
# 315:53 25/04/2019

 Вне сети
А где перевод других команд? И это все надо писать в специальной программе?

Добавлено (25/04/2019, 15:56)
И это говорит не понимающий в скриптах человек.
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